路由# 321076470

节省 煤气,杂货和公用事业 在通货膨胀

2019年10月9日 5分钟

When inflation is high, it often seems difficult to continue paying for everyday expenses like 超市购物, trips to the gas station, and monthly utility bills. The good news is that there are ways you can stretch your dollars further in all these areas.

省钱 在气体

1. 遵守车速限制
Following the speed limit can help you save money 在气体. In general, gas mileage decreases rapidly as you accelerate above 50 mph. Driving 55 mph rather than 65 mph can improve your gas mileage by 15%, 根据美国环境保护署.

2. 避免攻击性驾驶
攻击性驾驶, 包括超速和快速加速, can lower your gas mileage by 33% on the highway and by 5% on city roadways. Motorists who avoid aggressive driving can save money by burning less fuel.

3. 去除不必要的重量
Removing unnecessary weight from your vehicle can save money 在气体, 根据美国能源部的数据.

4. 在高速公路上使用巡航控制
Using cruise control on highways can help you save up to 14% 在气体 by maintaining a continuous speed. Constantly accelerating and decelerating burns more fuel.

5. 保持轮胎适当充气
Keeping your tires properly inflated can improve your gas mileage, too. Conversely, driving with underinflated tires can decrease your gas mileage.

6. 必要时清洗或更换空气过滤器
Cleaning or replacing your vehicle’s air filter as necessary can save gas money, 特别是如果你开的是一辆旧车.

7. 停车时不要空转
让你的汽车引擎在闲置时运转会消耗汽油. If you’re going to be idling for more than 30 seconds, save gas money by turning off your car.

8. 根据需要进行引擎调整
Getting engine tune-ups as needed can improve gas mileage by an average of 4%, 根据美国能源部的数据.

9. 骑自行车或乘坐公共交通工具
Riding a bike or taking public transportation are other great ways to save money – no gas needed!

10. 尽量减少空调的使用
Minimizing your vehicle’s air conditioner usage can save gas money. Using the air conditioner in some cases can reduce your vehicle’s fuel economy by more than 25%, 根据美国能源部的数据.

省钱 在公用事业

1. 调整恒温器
省钱 on your home heating bills by setting your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit (or by lowering your heating by 1 degree or raising your air conditioning by 1 degree). You can save up to 5% on your home energy bill by making just 1 degree of change.

2. 检查厕所是否漏水
在马桶水箱里滴几滴食用色素. If, 没有冲洗, 碗里开始出现颜色, you have a leak that may be wasting more than 100 gallons of water a day.

3. 缩短淋浴时间
A typical shower uses five to ten gallons of water a minute. Limit your showers to the time it takes to soap up, wash and rise off.

4. 刷牙时关掉水龙头
Before brushing, wet your brush and fill a glass for rinsing your mouth.

5. 剃须时关掉水龙头
Fill the bottom of the sink with a few inches of warm water in which to rinse your razor.

6. 洗衣机只在满载时使用
Your automatic washer uses 30 to 35 gallons per cycle.

7. 在冰箱里放一瓶饮用水
This puts a stop to the wasteful practice of running tap water to cool it for drinking.

8. 洗手时要节约用水
If you wash dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for rinsing. Instead, fill a second sink (or a tub) with rinse water. Gather all your washed dishes, then rinse them at the same time.

9. 一天中凉爽部分的水
Early morning is better than dusk since it helps prevent the growth of fungus.

10. 使用扫帚清洁室外区域
Driveways, sidewalks and steps are better cleaned with a broom than with a hose. Using a hose wastes hundreds and hundreds of gallons of water.

省钱 在杂货

1. 列一份购物清单并严格执行
When you have a list and stick to it, you only buy what you need.

2. 明智地使用优惠券
Coupons can help you save money only if they are for items you and your household actually eat.

3. 带上计算器
As you shop, add up your total grocery cost to help you stay on budget. 这样你就不会在结账时感到惊讶了.

4. 了解食品价格
写下你经常购买的食物的正常价格. This will help you figure out which stores have the best prices and whether you’re getting a good deal on sale items.

5. 当你饿的时候避免购物
When you shop on an empty stomach, everything suddenly looks delicious! 你可能更想买你不需要的食物.

6. 选择走道
Skip the aisles with candy (or whatever foods aren’t on your grocery list). 坚持在你的清单上的物品的通道.

7. 小心挑选水果和蔬菜
Avoid waste by buying fresh fruit at different stages of ripeness. Choose some fruit that is ripe and ready to eat, and some that will ripen in a few days. That way you’ll have enough time to eat all your purchases.

8. 应季购买
Fruits and vegetables are cheaper when they are in season. When fresh is out of season or too expensive, buy frozen or canned vegetables and fruit.

9. 上下看,而不是中间看
The most expensive items are usually put on the shelves where you can easily see and reach them. Some of the less expensive items may be on the higher or lower shelves.

10. 看看过期日期
Choose foods with an expiry date that will give your household enough time to eat it all and prevent waste.

11. 选择店铺品牌
Store brand items are nutritious and are usually cheaper than name brands.

12. 比较类似商品的单价
The unit price tells you how much something costs per “unit” (such as per ounce). Most stories list the unit price in small print under the main price. This price can help you compare the real cost of various brands and package sizes.

